The Loba nationality mainly distributes This turn system is unique to the Lobas and can be considered a primary democratic mechanism, which is instrumental to governing the people of Upper Mustang, particularly in Lo-manthang. There are no competing interests in this manuscript. Kathmandu: Social Science Baha. The dominant sect is Ngorpa, a sub-sect of Syakyapa. The formal Kingship ended by the Nepali state in 2008. In Loba society, a person may have as many as three names. To cope with this sort of crisis, the ghenba System enforced a new rule that every household must play the role of chhime and ghenba on their turn. Lhoba people are the smallest of the 56 ethnic groups in China and live in South-eastern Tibet. Associate Professor of Anthropology at the Central Department of Anthropology, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal, Associate Professor of Geography and Environment at Pokhara University, Pokhara, Nepal, You can also search for this author in Village municipality developmental works are mostly done by these in-migrant workers since the members of the Loba community are not much interested in such labor works. The general issues such as obtaining oral consent from the participants before taking their interviews, allowing them to leave the interview at any time, and not using inappropriate means to obtain information were followed. One of the works of the Lama is to assist people in erecting lungta in different locations of the settlements, agricultural fields, and sacred sites, including the cemetery. Dhongba households are ancestral property holders, which is transferred from generation to generation, mainly to the eldest son. The concept of Wuyong has a significant influence on the life and work of Lhoba people. Water Resources Research 29 (7): 19071912. This type of household also has a compatible practice of fraternal polyandry. The most important livelihood of Lobas relied on salt (rock salt) and grain trade, which connected them to the central hills of Nepal and India. Namgyal, with whom we were staying, had a lovely cottage overlooking the grand Manang range and the Tilicho peak. Cambridge University Press. The roofs are extremely uniform and smooth, and on each corner a small square is constructed so that prayer flags may be hung there. Aanis were not allowed to marry and had to shave their heads and wear red clothes. It is a stark landscape, where nature has wrought some stunning mud sculptures in vivid colours. These rules include a 48 hour fast and a vow of total silence. Suhasini would have preferred us to stick to our original plan but was outnumbered when Parvathi endorsed my suggestion. Other airlines that used to fly to Jomsom diverted their services to the Everest sector owing to increased traffic there. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. The Loshar, Tiji, and Yartung are major seasonal and ritual festivals of Loba that supports maintaining social and cultural relationship among them as well as attracting tourists to Upper Mustang. 1965. Darnal, Prakash. Nepal is multi ethnic, multi lingual and multi cultural country. Building monasteries and Gomba are the founding traditions in Lo-manthang; where three main Gombas, which are about five centuries old, are located. M Phil Thesis. However, a new problem in the ghenba system has emerged since some Loba households are not interested in taking responsibility of ghenba and chhime. Known as Donggeng Gurumu (meaning something like congratulate the safety of the current year and look forward to a bumper harvest in the coming year), the festival witnesses Lhoba people butchering cattle and pigs to be given as presents to the maternal relatives. The six chhimes watch the livestock to prevent them from encrouching to farmlands. primitive religion of animism. Ask God to send Christian tourists and hikers to Nepal who will share the love of Jesus with the Loba. Indigenous institutions as adaptive measures to environmental dynamics: an ethnographic study of Loba Community of Upper Mustang, Nepal,, International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology,,,,,,,,,, @ Hu Zuxin @ Nyingchi window The three mausoleums outside Guanzhou refer to the Fuling Tombs of Nuerhachi, the Taizong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and the Zhaoling Tombs of the Taizong. The name Mustang is derived from the Tibetan word meaning, "Plain of Aspiration." In fact, their homes are never built toward the South because of the fierceness of these winds. volume7, Articlenumber:4 (2023) In the polyandrous family, male members follow the reme gyapkin system to maintain a harmonious relationship among the brothers in the household. The cliffs were spectacular, far more stunning than any we had seen. Cite this article. One imagines the Loba as an omnipresent being gazing down at culture yet somehow remaining outside . The Phalwas are the most dominant and economically powerful and place themselves in the middle of the social position. The study was conducted under the PhD in Anthropology project of the first author at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Springer Nature. Luochuan Yigu, a traditional dance in Luochuan County, Shaanxi Province, is one of the national intangible cultural heritage.. Tie-dyeing, known as Zha Val, Ge Val, Jia Val and Dye Val in ancient times, is a traditional and unique dyeing process of Chinese folk. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 11: 2459. These local institutions are cooperating well, successfully regulating, managing, and protecting agricultural, forest, and pasture lands, and maintaining the monuments in Lo-manthang for centuries. Contributions to Nepalese Studies21(2), pp. j. anthropol. Anthropologists have focused their studies on cultural ecology and ethnoecology. Shrestha, Uttam Babu, Shiva Gautam, and Kamaljit S. Bawa. The theory of r kinship, descent and status in a Tibetan society. Very basic agriculture to supplement hunting was practiced. These sorts of issues are pertinent due to their changes in livelihood strategies. people is an integral part of the life of the Loba people, a mirror of the Loba Kathmandu: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, T.U., Nepal. culture of Loba. and depicts the colorful life of the Loba people from different perspectives. Abadani had three sons, the eldest was Earlier, the land of the Gomba used to be cultivated by those households who sent their children to the Gomba as Lama or Anis. The global Cell Culture Reagent market size will reach USD 2731.5 Million in 2030 . Already, the Loba are taking measures to safeguard valuable aspects of their cultural heritage in an age of globalization. The Ani Gompa, the Tsarang monastery, is a colourful structure painted extravagantly in ochre and red and visible from miles away. The Mustangi King Gyam Parabal led the Nepal Government delegates in 1895, during the dialogue on the border dispute, with Chinas Tibet, related to the salt and grain trade in Mustang. However, existing literature grossly ignored the value of indigenous institutions as the adaptation mechanism to socio-cultural, techno-economic, politico-institutional, and geo-environmental dynamics. The chortens (temple) were crowded with garlands of rocks inscribed in Tibetan. The data and information were collected under the PhD research project (Khattri 2021) of the first author. For the tourists, we couldnt meet them for a regular Tibet tour because of isolation and quarantine. Ostrom, Elinor. 2011. The region and culture In Upper Mustang the Tibetan culture, religion and traditions are believed to be at their purest, harking back to a Tibet before the Chinese occupation in 1951. Yale University Press. As animists, Lhoba people believe that everything has an immortal spirit called Wuyong. All Lhoba tribes celebrate The New Year after heavy harvesting and many also like to hold wedding ceremonies during the new year celebrations. We can also observe a new development in the family and marriage system, people are practicing family planning, which allows the birth of a few children, so no more celibacy is required to control the population. Loba culture # [ Loba Pakistan weaving] Lhoba weaving and Luoba bamboo, Luoba knife dance with the Tibet Autonomous Region intangible cultural heritage proje. The Lord longs to set the Loba free from earthly and spiritual bondages, and to birth them into the Kingdom founded upon His Son, Jesus Christ. Kings role has been positive in opening tourism in Upper Mustang since 1992 and the family has also been involved in the tourism sector. Dhongba is similar to western Tibetan regions, which maintain ancestral property system, socio-cultural systems, and prepares household members to participate in political and religious affairs (Goldstein 1971). years, Loba men usually cross long knives, wear fur hunting clothes and fur The paper is based on anthropological fieldwork. Dangbang, the second was Dangjian, and the third was Dangjian. The findings reveal that the King is seen as the leader whose governance best suited to the local natural environment, cultural practices, and economy. Aanis are active in Muktinath temple and are the main actors in controlling or maintenance of the process of worshipping. Tribhuvan University, Nepal. For example, the feudal lords build three-story houses; but the common people and those in the lower castes are only allowed to build single-story houses without walled in compounds. It symbolizes knowledge and virtue among individuals and family members. The introduction of tourism after the 1950s partially in the region and openning to outsiders after the 1990s also contributed to understanding the value of their cultural and natural heritages (Tulachan 2003). I was the first to announce that I would much rather go back to Pokhara and fly to Jomsom to commence the Upper Mustang trek from there than continue on this treacherous high-altitude trail all the way to Lo Manthang. This study adopted multi-site ethnography, which is suitable in the modern social context, as argued by Marcus (1995). To overcome this problem, the community imposed a new rule that each Bista household must perform the role of ghenba on their turn. In these caves, relics from a Bon past were found alongside Buddhist artefacts. We welcome. In a couple of hours, we crossed Ekla Bhati village with a single dwelling and a fancy Roc Cafe, which advertised espresso and apricot crumble, but was locked. This kind of buckwheat cake smeared with Yaro, Joseph Awetori, Joseph Teye, and Simon Bawakyillenuo. Only 2,000 permits are issued every year, and most of them during the Tiji festival in May. 1980. Life and livelihoods in the Forbidden Kingdom, the Trans-Himalaya. Motu and Milin. "Now we only have 52. Cultural, religious and archaeological heritage of Lo-manthang and their restoration. There were moments when we felt we could not go any further and might have to freeze under a star-studded sky; temperatures can plunge to minus at night. different. 2004. The Loba is also those mysterious, breath-taking aspects of nature: 'you are the hills'. "This is my work in nature. 3 and described in the following section. The Kali Gandaki widens considerably just before Tsaile, and we crossed a tiny metal bridge at the foot of a massive canyon with a line of caves up on a 155-foot-high (47 m) cliff. The Lo King, ghenba, Lama, and dhongba had a close relationship and interdependency in Lo-manthang until now. Other geography / data: GMI. 2012. Dhongbas work for the King during crop cultivation and harvesting time. Nepal. Some Lamas, who moved out from the Gomba, run private boarding schools with the support of local and foreign well-wishers. When he does, the next son must become a Buddhist monk. We were wrapped up like a mummy in a tomb, and yet grit got into our eyes and mouth and blocked our nostrils too. The Loba follow a collective decision of crop cultivation and harvest. In Upper Mustang, Lo-manthang, different traditional institutions, such as the King, Lama, Ghenba, and Dhongba, prevail and have played different roles in maintaining the socio-political positions of the place, which is crucial in sustaining the environmental as well as the social system. still using the original way of slash and fire to engage in agricultural Mustang is a semi-independent kingdom within Nepal. This paper investigates how different institutions of Loba communities of the Upper Mustang work together and facilitate the community to cope with the environmental dynamics in the region. area of Nanyi). In old days, Lhoba people were divided into two classes - 'maide' and 'nieba'. This practice used to be called phutok. Some adaptation strategies such as mobility, external assistance, acceptance of provisions of Nepal government, democratization, and reform in cultural practices are found as the major strategies in changing soci-economic, political and environmental conditions. The society practices monogamy and polygamy. Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Unfortunately, this is a drawback in the summertime because the houses grow very hot due to the lack of ventilation. The continuity and changes, and the turn systems are the major mechanisms adopted by the Loba to cope with changing socio-economic, and environmental conditions. Khattri, Man Bahadur. Wuyuezhai Scenic Area, National Forest Park, AAAAAA Tourist Area, is located in the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, located in the northwest of Lingshou County, Hebei Province. Reporting directly to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global, Culture & Engagement), the Chief of Staff, Global, Culture and Engagement is a key member of the Portfolio's leadership team and will manage the portfolio to ensure the timely and efficient execution of a range of international programs; provide strategic oversight to and ensure support for the Committees, Advisory Groups and Working . The sakaluka ritual is the function of worshiping local spirits (nagas, serpents) where a lady plows the land at the beginning to mark crop cultivation time (Khattri 2021; Khattri & Pandey 2021). Dhongbas are also obliged to send their second son and daughter to monasteries to be trained as monks and nuns. They are supposed to contribute compulsory labor to maintain the irrigation system. They live in grasslands and forests where they are mainly hunters . The national first-class protected birds include the Tragopan, which is mainly distributed in the forest area of H. We stopped for a bite at the Yak Donalds restaurant. Frequently and even customarily in the Tibetan cultural world, faded gompa murals in a state of deterioration were overpainted. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology, 6(0). But, it is not known the ancestors of Lhoba people were occupying the region at that time or came from somewhere else later. Chhetri, Ram Bahadur. Peterson, Nicole, and Broad, Kenneth. The prospect of bouncing about again in a bus bound for Jomsom for 12 to 15 hours stared us in the face. Frer-Haimendorf, Christoph Von. Kathmandu: CNAS. They roast both animal and plant based food. Until 2008 AD, Lo-manthang was the capital town of the Lo Kingdom and Jigme Dorje Palbar Bista was the last King who had official recognition of raja (titular King) from the Government of Nepal. Other data may have varying ages. The vehicle spluttered and stalled on the boulder- and rock-strewn mountainsides, roared through waterfalls and hobbled on riverbeds. District Profile of Mustang, 2068 (in Nepali Mustang Jillako Bastugat Bibaran, 2068). Nevertheless, the Loba community has benefited from this sort of new development in the Lo region. Most of these sourherners (Lhoba means southerners in Tibetan language) do not traditionally self-identify as a single entity and speak different languages but considered the same Lhoba minority by Chinese and Tibetans. Climate and Development 7 (3): 235245. Social equity in farmer-managed irrigation in the Terai of Nepal. The Upper Mustang lies on the northern side of the Mustang district, Gandaki Province of Nepal. The Lobas live in Upper Mustang, which is remotely located, highly dynamic, full of environmental diversity, and consists of specific niches to the people (Khattri 2021). Int. Nowadays, another challenge emerged that many people are willing to pay money instead of playing the role of chhime. Another issue is that some people have given up crop cultivation, but started fodder and tree farming, demanding a lot of irrigation during high water demand. The Lama plays a major role in reinforcing local rules, while the Ghenba is an agent who mediates the Lo King and people in materializing rules and operationalizing institutional mechanisms. After a few hours, we reached Kagbeni, one of the bigger villages in Upper Mustang, at a height of 2,810 m. It is home to 1,600 people living in 229 households. Book This is one of the odd traditions that is existing in the world.This old culture is followed by the residents of Spain since 1620.This culture was mainly organized to keep the devils away.According to this culture, children are laid on the mattresses in the street and heavy crowd gather to watch.Usually the jumpers wear traditional costumes to Google Scholar. deeply influenced by the Tibetans, and their daily diet and food preparation We want to thank the University Grants Commission Nepal for partial Financial Support for this research under PhD thesis grant. This is happening despite the availability of all sorts of facilities at Gomba. see the historical development of the Loba people from the legend, which leaves 169190. These five colors symbolize wind, sky, earth, water, and fire, respectively. A new ghenba takes responsibility for one agriculture cycle, which begins from the performance of sakaluka ritual and works until the next sakaluka. They wear knee-length, sleeveless, buttonlessblack jackets made of sheep's wool with hats made from bear skin or bamboo stripes. Here are five interesting facts about the Himba: 1. Zhuji Lane, located in Zhuji Village, Zhuji Town, Nanxiong City, Guangdong Province, covers an area of about 3 square kilometers. They widely spread in the areas of Katanga, Kasai, and Maniema. Furthermore, due to the out-migration of the Lamas and other people, increased dependency on the market and changing livelihood options of the younger generation are also observable in the Loba community. But in general, Lhoba men clothing reflects their hunting lifestyle. What we know for sure is that from the conquest of Tibet to 1950s, Lhoba people were frequently bullied and oppressed by the Tibetans. This practice was also a part of population control. Despite the infrastructural development in the region, Loba has migrated to other places for better opportunities as their traditional livelihood system could not support coping with peoples desires since they are searching for freedom of choice. To view a copy of this licence, visit Yaks were being herded to pasture, monks were hurrying about on their daily rounds, women were collecting firewood and storing it for the winter, men were busy with harvests and tourists were clicking away at everything in sight. He The traditional role of the Gomba in the Loba community, as described above, is an institution that maintains a peaceful and just society, as per the values of Tibetan Buddhism. The change from obligatory labor to paid labor has been witnessed as the titular kingship ended, the last King died; and the family of the present King lives mostly in Kathmandu. Grocery shop in Lo Manthang (2018) by Angelo ChiacchioEphemera documentary Newly paved routes. The roles of ghenba system are crucial for supporting agricultural activities, including canal maintenance, water distribution and crop protection from livestock encroachment, and providing justice to the victim. Lobas speak their own Loba language, which is similar to the Western Tibetan Language. The popular way of cooking is putting the game in fire and covering by ashes to prepare for eating. They also give to the poor and needy, and abstain from sexual relations during this time. In Upper Mustang polyandry is practiced by Loba communities. 2015 Indigenous peoples customary laws and practices in natural resource management: A case study of Ngisyang Valley, Manang. Ethnography in/of the world system: the emergence of multi-sited ethnography. Fifty-three households were the makhiu, i.e., the Kings soldiers. The denizens of Lo Manthang are true custodians of a vanishing culture and way of life. (ABC News: Zoe Osborne) "In earlier times, there were nearly 125 monks here," says Sakya monk, Jabyang Sonam. Every additional day of stay costs $50 a day. Each year, they come from the Kuthak family. Khattri, M.B., Pandey, R. Indigenous institutions as adaptive measures to environmental dynamics: an ethnographic study of Loba Community of Upper Mustang, Nepal. At the same time, anthropologists are engaged in documenting indigenous environmental knowledge, traditional ecological knowledge, indigenous technical knowledge, local knowledge, folk climate models, and cultural-specific knowledge (Ellen et al. It was probably the toughest stretch in our entire trek, even tougher than the trudge in the dark to ABC. The structure of their families is also based on these and other traditions. He likes roast meat, dried meat, milk dregs and buckwheat cakes, especially millet-stirred rice dumplings and chili peppers. The Lo King and his officials sponsored to arrange religious councils between 14721475, where over nine hundred monks attended the meetings (Dhungel 2002). In the present day, Lobas have introduced monogamy and the family planning system to control the population, which has challenged the traditional lifestyle on the one hand, and on the other, the population of Lamas and Aanis is decreasing sharply at Gombas. Lo-manthang and Lo Ghekar Damodar Kunda are two rural municipalities where thirty-nine village settlements are located (District Development Committee, Mustang, 2068 BS: 2012AD). Governing the commons: The evolution of institutions for collective action. They build their homes out of stone, making the roofs out of thinly chiseled stone squares. However, as people are no longer interested in educating their children as monks, most of the cultivable lands are abandoned. Lo Kingdom continued the practice of cultural systems of resource use and population control. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. According to a key informant, compared to other households, makhiu and sinkhor received good-quality land from the King for agricultural purposes.
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