he 1-8 The new heaven and the new earth will not be separate from each You will break your resolutions, and be nothing bettered by your attempts at reform. How it can turn us! You godly wives, who have ungodly husbands, you shall pray, "Lord, make our husbands new." It leaps at the sound which was once dull to its ears the name of a precious Christ. 1. kingdom __ last time, and we behold the new universe. New fears are mighty within us, holy fears which once we should have ridiculed. To do this you must be new yourself; for as the man is, so his life will be. _CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ A NEW HEAVEN AND A NEW EARTH as _And I saw_ So it runs, Revelation 19:11; Revelation 20:1; Revelation To-day believers are not under the covenant of "If thou doest this thou shalt live," but under that new covenant which says, "Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." "Lord, make thy poor, spiritually sick child to be strong in spiritual health." The moment the divine life comes into the heart we believe: the moment we believe the eternal life is there. God grant us to drink of the eternal founts, that we may for ever overflow. The most of men have grown weary with the old cry of depression of trade and hard times; we are glad to escape from what has been to many a twelve-months of great trial. New - in the sense of being John had already caught a glimpse of the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven; and now this angelic messenger bids him come nearer, and look more closely into this mysterious and glorious city prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.. Yes, like a priceless square casket made all of costly jewels is this wondrous city, equally glorious whichever way you look at it: The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.. ", "Ring out the old, ring in the new; Ring, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Revelation 20:4, Revelation 20:11, in a succession. But, even if you do not, we shall pray for you; and we were sure that you opposed our intercessions, and were even angry with them, we should pray all the more, for we mean to have you won for Jesus, by the grace of God, and you may as well come soon as late. THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB "In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Hosannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies"? Nay, it is a world fit for angels, naturally; but it is a horrible world morally. Those who are participants in that covenant cannot invalidate it, for it never did depend upon them, but only upon him who was and is their federal head and representative before God. Did not the morning stars sing together for joy when he made the world? ( ). Well, now, dear friends, why do you and I ever get stale and flat? There is nothing so old that he cannot make it new nothing so fixed and habitual that he cannot change it. No mother's pangs, when she brought forth a man-child, were such as those of Christ when he brought forth the new creation. Compare Isaiah 65:17. THE SEVENTH VISION: OF THE HEAVENLY JERUSALEM. And cast their crowns before the throne. Revelation. The sea that had prevented intimate Delivered by C. H. SPURGEON, At the Newington. to, as here, in . I. For this reason the gospel sets before us another way, and says, "It is of faith, that it might be by grace." THE HOLY CITY THE NEW HEAVENS AND THE NEW EARTH (REVELATION 21:1). Why should we not lift up our voices in his praise? Revelation 21:1. O Lord, we would rejoice and be glad for ever in that which thou dost create. The doctrine of the new heaven and the new earth goes back to Isaiah Come, there is one more application, and that is that the Lord can convert those dear friends about whose souls you have been so anxious. "Well, I am going to mend myself," says one: "I have taken the pledge, and I am going to be honest, and chaste, and religious." All his works deserve study: "The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein." From the throne where sits the once crucified but now glorified Saviour, there comes a whisper of hope to each and every soul who would be made new, and would begin life anew. Then another with great tenderness prayed for his children. He saith, and he performs the saying, "Behold, I make all things new." They have a new nature. It will seem to be a dead lift to you; but it is within the power of that pierced hand to lift you right out of doubt, and fear, and despondency, and spiritual lethargy, and weakness, and just to make you now, from this day forward, "strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." We were under the old covenant, and our first father and federal head, Adam, had broken that covenant, and we were ruined by his fatal breach. AND I SAW. What a wonderful word is that! Listen, "Behold, I make." None but a Savior on the throne could accomplish it; and therefore let him have the glory of it. 8:2; _WONDERFUL FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD REVELATION 21:1-7:_ God's faithful See the Saviour then, in groans and pangs which cannot be described, bearing the curse of God, for he made him to be sin for us, though he knew no sin. Revelation 21:4. When we are made sons do we work for wages? He said, "I should have been very much surprised if he had not been." In addition to the new covenant, Christ has been pleased to make us new men. I suppose the best of men must do so at times. Revelation 21:8. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. That is the death that never dies, the death which is far more to be dreaded than the death of the body. Grace works a very deep, striking, and lasting change. It seems at first to be astounding that the height of a city should be equal to the length and the breadth of it; but if you have traveled in Italy, you must have seen many a city, perched upon a hill, which seemed to be even higher than it was broad or long, if you included the wall of the city, and the houses one above another right up to the loftiest minaret or tower. The enemies of the Lamb have been conquered. Looking at the text in this light, I think it speaks to everyone here present Would you begin anew, lo, there is one who can help you to do so! If you leave the fountain foul the streams cannot be pure. THE first part of the final triumph of the Lamb has been accomplished, earth were passed away (Revelation 21:1); REVELATION The ab. There is enough of light in your soul for you to know that you are in darkness; and you are saying to yourself, "Oh, that I could reach to better things! iv. Revelation 21:8. In our heart there is a new heaven and a new earth. He had come to make the world new, and to do this he has brought with him what? While God's wrath for sin is yet unspent, the world cannot be new; but when that wrath on account of sin is all poured upon the head of the great Substitute, then the world stands in a new relation to God, and it can be a new world. , DISCOURSE: 2529 Observe the text speaks of: "I make." We used to think it a brave gay world that showed us real happiness, but we are no longer deceived, we have seen Madame Bubble's painted face in its true deformity. Why should some of you be living at a penny a day and starving yourselves, when your Father would give you to live like princes of the blood royal if you would but trust him? Genesis and Revelation contrasted. Our love to Christ ought to be every minute as if it were new-born. Why, himself. I have known the Lord on a sudden to turn darkness into light, and take away the sackcloth and the ashes from his dear children, for "he doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men." When he says, "Let there be order," chaos says, "Nay, I will maintain confusion." This is the world of weeping, but it passes away. They are new men, "begotten again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." And I John saw the hol _REVELATION 21:1_. We are now come, in the course of these The mountains and the hills break forth before us into singing, and we cannot be dumb. First, if the Lord Jesus makes all things new, then a new birth is possible to you, dear friend, though you have come here to-night in a wrong state of heart, with your sins upon you, binding you fast. It needed the Lord himself to make such as we are new. people do not die without hope. Our wretched, formal prayers, if we did offer them what a mockery they were! I believe that Jesus Christ has in some of you not only made you new, but made everything new to you. Jerusalem, temple, light, Paradise (Chap. Old Testament analogies of the coming Marriage in the skies. 1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the It's good news for the sky above and the Earth below. militant here upon earth, and others to the state of the church Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges Commentary, College Press Bible Study Textbook Series, Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible, Concordant Commentary on the New Testament by A. E. Knoch, G. Campbell Morgan's Exposition on the Whole Bible, George Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, Introductory Lectures - Commentary by William Kelly, John Brown Commentaries Selected Books of the Bible, John Gill's Exposition of the Whole Bible, Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, Kretzmann's Popular Commentary of the Bible, Leslie M. Grant's Commentary on the Bible, Manly Luscombe Commentary on New Testament, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible, Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary On The Bible, NT Verse References in the Ante-Nicene Fathers, Philip Schaff's Popular Commentary on the NT (4 vols), Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament, Sutcliffe's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments, The children's great texts of the Bible by James Hastings, The Message from Patmos by David Scott Clark, The Preacher's Complete Homiletical Commentary, The Revelation of Jesus Christ Through the Ages by Donald A. Koenig, Through The Bible C2000 Serie by Chuck Smith, Vincent's Word Studies in the New Testament (4 Volume Set). Yet God could do even that; and so he can reverse the course of your fallen nature, and make you act as a new man. The Judgment is over. (1) AND I SAW A NEW HEAVEN The hope of CHAPTER XVII. Ah, we blush to think what our joys used to be; but they are heavenly now. What a transformation grace makes in all things within our little world! I feel this within me: do not you? trees, etc., since, as McCord notes, we will have spiritual bodies for known as the Book of beginnings. I don't like to commit myself about heaven and hell--you see, I have He that rightly understands the difference between the two covenants has the foundation of sound theology laid in his mind. I dread this year. Revelation 21:8King James Version. A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. All the church would be the better because of the way in which the Lord would help them to do their work. He shall be my son, not my servant, but my son. God give us the faith to rise to this more than royal dignity! When God spake and said, "Let there be light," it was a fiat which showed him to be divine. I cannot doubt of the possibility of your salvation, my dear friend, whenever I think of my own. The Lord who makes all things new can hear your prayers. What a prospect does all this open up to the believer! The process which we have roughly described as taking place in ourselves is in other forms going on in the world. But you want to make it all new yourself; and you fret and you worry, and you tease, and you trouble, and you make a burden of yourself. In We love to be found within its walls, and we feel delighted to join in the praises of the Lord. Revelation 22 He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. You young people, as soon as ever you know the Lord, I exhort you to study well that word "covenant." A world where every man would have been a priest, and every house a temple, and every garment a vestment, and every meal a sacrifice, and every place holiness to the Lord, for the tabernacle of God would have been among them, and God himself would have dwelt among them! remember when you first saw it. A new world now opens to our view ( v. 1 ): I saw a new heaven and a new earth; that is, a new universe; for we suppose the world to be made up of heaven and earth. Had it possessed a teeming population like its present one, and if, one by one, those godly ones had been caught away, like Elijah, without knowing death, to be succeeded by pious descendants oh! Let us gaze upon THE GREAT TRANSFORMATION. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed twelve thousand furlongs. And he is considered a clever man, a patriot, a benefactor of his own nation, who, by dint of genius, can discover some new way of destroying his fellow creatures. We have seen men become new husbands, and women become new wives. Turning to our second point, I want you to: He says, "Behold I make all things new." We have not, and, therefore, we must leave it, but may you and I have a part in this new creation! God shall dwell among men, peace shall be domiciled on earth, and glory shall be ascribed to God in the highest. Amen. He spends a life of weariness and sorrow amongst those who despise him, and if you want to know first and foremost how he makes all things new, you must see him sweating great drops of blood in the garden that is the blood of the new world which he is pouring forth! Aug. omits . I should be very much surprised if some of you that come here, time after time, are not converted. It would be a wonderful thing if Niagara when it is in its full descent should be made to leap upwards, and the St. Lawrence and the sea should begin to climb backward to the lakes. The Blue Letter Bible team has added a wide selection of . You must be dead and buried with Christ, and risen again in him; and then all will be well, for he will have made all things new. Everything seems to have gone wrong with me. Who but the eternal Son of God? By grace every believer is brought into a new relationship with God. "I make all things new," begins with the bringing in of a better hope by virtue of a better covenant. temper of the EXPOSITION Text Revelation 21:1-27 And, further, dear friends, there may be some dear child of God here who is conscious that he lives on a very low platform of spiritual life, and he knows that the Lord can raise him to a new condition. Charles Haddon Spurgeon July 31, 1864 Scripture: Revelation 21:23 From: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 10 The Lamb- The Light "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof."Rev.
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