Marion: Jesus seems to be weeping. %%Invocation: path/gs -P- -dSAFER -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -q -P- -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sstdout=? immediately in your account after redemption. In light of that, its not totally surprising that peoples attitudes shifted so quickly about him. Pontius[wait for congregation to respond] Pilate. Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. His name is Lazarus. He has contributed over 1,200 articles to various publications, including interviews for Christian Communicator and book reviews for The Evangelical Church Library Association. Tony: [shakes his head] Nope. %PDF-1.4 % Palm Sunday Readers Theater Script - He does not ride on a horse or chariot, but on a donkey: a sign of humility and peace. -f ? by: Bob Hartman This is a fun, interactive version of the Palm Sunday story. During ancient times, they symbolizedgoodness and victory. Its . Within a week (give or take a few days), Jesus goes from being praised as he enters Jerusalem to crowds urging Pilate to have him killed. Compiled by The BibleStudyTools Staff but not in ways or with means that we expect. PALM SUNDAY She stressed a true understanding of why Christians celebrate Palm Sunday. WebJESUS It is written, My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers. NARRATOR CHILDREN begin shouting Hosanna to the Son of David at WebWhat the Bible says about Palm Sunday. In 2020, he won First Prize for Best Feature Story in a regional contest by the Colorado Press Association Network. Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God. It's celebrated on the first day of Holy Week and the Sunday before Easter. There they would find a donkey with her colt, which they were to bring back. Read the full scripture quotes of Palm Sunday in the Bible verses below. Liturgy Scripts - St. Gregory of Nyssa He does not sound like he is going to overthrow the Romans. endobj . Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! 13 They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, Hosanna!. faithful This will work on most browsers. We were there. First Presbyterian Church, Greensboro Godly Play Lessons Preschool - 5th Grade Lesson: Palm Sunday Scripture: Mark 11:1-11 Teacher: Lisa Witherspoon. This is Simon, in Jerusalem, signing off. People are laying down their cloaks on the road, for him to walk on! In one procession, the leader is surrounded by Centurions, soldiers hefting spears. contender for King of the Jews and maybe of all Rome! St. Gregory's has served the wider Church over the years by freely offering the results of our years of liturgical innovation and experimentation. -sOutputFile=? - Bible Verses and Meaning Today, 5 Things about Palm Sunday That Remind Us Christ Is King. Phoebe: These are my friends Marion and Tony. Drama Ministry offers an excellent assortment of scripts that can be performed by an individual or smaller team. Palm Sunday is the start of Holy Week, which also includes the following days: Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday (sometimes called Spy Wednesday), Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday. R$&(c.5RObA:5jYo)Wv&jyOmZ;OlPr F4^{bjJHB,A]D0"b. Liturgy for Palm Sunday. <> 0000002827 00000 n and make all things good and easy for us. Does God Really Work All Things Together for Good? Web5. With Holy Week approaching, Christians are making preparations for Palm Sunday, which honors the last days of Jesus, his trial andcrucifixion. jn> Jets^LjAby[ z:F>4~?i;&%/Sfg18_Z,N :TK>SIG+tIHJBAX;*,U${P]'v2P:UGX=ltPM#{wlpGCrvh$D}O!K\fc+ W>qbS#Z:ur4upRU5F,e@Q"@( 4Ol0z`X6UL[y The manger rambles a little but its story captures the awe of meeting Jesus. Godly Play Lesson with Lisa Witherspoon - Palm Sunday - 4/5/2020 3 0 obj It is the day that we remember and celebrate the day Jesus entered Jerusalem as Savior and King. credits. Luke describes events traditionally listed as happening on Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday as happening one day as he was teaching the people (Luke 20:1), not specifically the day after Palm Sunday. listening in to what may be the coronation speech of our ruler, our next king, Everyone: [Eyes get big as you listen to Jesuslook amazed! The original script has been adapted by Ana Gobledale, UK, with permission from the author, Ron VandenBurg, Canada*. {b Q i'0UY}6iuZua_"UuF>e6nTQ}RSu@n6S? Palm-Passion Sunday - March 28, 2021 Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States, second typical edition, Copyright 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine; Psalm refrain 1968, 1981, 1997, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Lukes version doesnt make it clear how Jesus ended the day, transitioning to a summary of what he did over the next few days. Reader 2:You see, the Jews had once been ruled by Egypt and never wanted to struggle again in that way. Palm branches everywhere. PALM SUNDAY Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. ", "Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God. Instead, Jesus came into the city riding a donkey (a symbol of peace) and talked about how the city was doomed to destruction because it had missed the truth. They are proclaiming the new king, the new royal ruler. We see God who takes on the pain, who walks the journey of Holy Week, deeper and deeper into a darkness we cannot enter. Jesus humble, hopeful, joyful, entering Jerusalem from the east. Why Does God Compare Our Relationship with Him to That of a Bride and Groom? This script asks, what is evangelism? Its interesting how quickly the publics reaction changed. This is the King of the Jews from a place called Nazareth. Jesus was someone that people could love or hate, but no one could be neutral about. It sets up what follows. Each day in Holy Week corresponds to a day that Jesus spent in Jerusalem, culminating in his death on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter Sunday. God may the words of my mouth and the meditations of all our hearts be acceptable in your sight. The Bible Story of Palm Sunday The biblical account of Christ's entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday of Holy Week is found in each of the four Gospel books. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, a people put palm branches on the road and shouted quotations from three Old Testament books: Luke states that some Pharisees were in the crowd and told Jesus to rebuke his disciples for creating a commotion. Once they had gotten the donkey and colt, the disciples put their cloaks on them, and Jesus rode the colt into Jerusalem. 0000002725 00000 n Christ's triumphal entrance into Jerusalem is celebrated by Christians on Palm Sunday. What other kinds of kings are there? We prepare detailed scripts for each service. Untie them and bring them here to me. seems to be taking in all the grandeur of Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is a celebration of Christianity around the world and the commemoration of Jesus dying and rising again,said Mark Jobe,president of the Moody Bible Institute and founding pastor of the New Life Community Church in Chicago. The donkey has a story to tell about carrying Jesus on his back on Palm Sunday. Get your FREE 8-Day Prayer and Scripture Guide - Praying Through the Holy Week HERE. The man entering Jerusalem from the west [signify], from Ceasaria. All rights reserved. Why is it celebrated? Whatever it was, most of us came away thinking it was one of the Bibles cheery stories. So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out, Hosanna! Look over there. 12:13 took palm branches. is met with fearful, downcast eyes. 3k^f2 FTP\m>m}YyQ 2!Kp|&=:=C\B!rR __r>$WI}MCsE1_AD,5aFHXl\I`3E Most of us who grew up attending church have some memory of Palm Sunday. Holi 2023: What is Holi? Find resources relevant for your worship experience. This is the feared Roman governor of the place called Judea. There are two Gospels proclaimed at today's Mass. As the feast continues, the crowd may play an important role. inclusive. But here comes a so-called King, humbly riding a[wait for congregation to respond] donkey. Insert the complete drama at this point. In this feature, we'll take a look at 10 Magnificent Monologues for Easter!Covering the topics of Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, Good Friday, the crucifixion of Christ, and his resurrection - these easier to learn and perform ", "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. If you want to use one of our videos or scripts to a ticketed event or if you are being paid for the performance of our script, please submit a licensing request. creative and refreshing liturgy for todays church, Sheep and Goats, a monologue by Ron VandenBurg based on Matthew 25:31-46, in which the narrator ponders what qualifies a person. 0000025832 00000 n % entering Jerusalem from the west [signify]. Get your church prepared to celebrate Holy Week! Palm Sunday Sunday School When he accepted children calling him the Son of David, he accepted the title of Davids son (i.e., the Messiah). Simon: Hi. ), "With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. [back to reporting] Jesus, pressed by the mob is looking around. Matthew 21:1-11, Palm Sunday drama - Worship Words The man entering Jerusalem from the east, from the Mount of Olives, is met with waving palm branches, singing and dancing. Perhaps its asking what the palm branches were for in the first place. There is a special entrance at the beginning of each Mass, either simple or solemn. Conquering kings typically rode in chariots or on the back of stallions,so Jesus riding a donkey went against the norm, Jobe said. All of them have been developed by repeated use in our own liturgical space, so adaptation is required for using them in other contexts. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Remember who the Roman governor is? WebPalm Sunday Narrated Script Reader 1:It was the beginning of Passover week when Jews from all over traveled to Jerusalem to remember their freedom from slavery and oppression. Religious leaders were upset by his temple clearing, and the children were yelling, Hosanna to the Son of David. When they asked Jesus if he heard what the children were saying, Jesus replied, have you never read, from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise? (Matthew 21:14-17). Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion | USCCB The following scripts are designed to be used for Palm Sunday during your worship service. On Palm Sunday, be sure to set Proud member Find out more about his work here. When he said, the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified (John 12:23), he claimed a title from Daniel 7:13, a man with God-given authority to establish an everlasting kingdom. Blessing the Animals, St Francis Day 4 Oct, Blessing of Gardens & Gardeners (Plough Sunday), Universal wedding ceremony, for any two people, B: Pentecost (Whitsunday) & Ordinary Time, Caf Church, Open Table ready-to-use services, Resources for this week on Worship Words, Matariki Mori New Year New Zealand (Aotearoa), Farmers Dayfirst Monday of August, Zambia, World Week for Peace in Palestine & Israel. Once we look at Palm Sundays Messianic and apocalyptic overtones (Jesus prophesying the end of Jerusalem, claiming the name Son of David), we see that Palm Sunday actually has plenty of drama of its own. The biblical account of Christ's entry into Jerusalem on the Sunday of Holy Week is found in each of the four Gospel books. No matter where you are or who you find yourself with during Holy Week, these faith-affirming quotes will keep you inspired, humble, and joyful all season long. Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards? Jesus proceeded on his journey up to Jerusalem. No more foreign rulers! 0000007753 00000 n May he enter our cities and our lives today. Days later, he was crucified. It involves splitting up the congregation into different groups, and giving them specific actions to do. Print your own copy for a beautiful daily devotional leading up to Easter. Indeed, he will change our world, he IS changing our world. Palm Sunday Mass begins Holy Week at Cathedral of Peter and Paul. "Traditionally, some of the branches are saved," she said. Simon: [to camera operator] Stop rolling. Palm Sunday confronts us with God being disruptively different. Marion: We are in for some surprises over the next few days. Any physical (creation of DVDs, hard drives, thumb drives, etc) or digital distribution (streaming, posting on YouTube, etc) of the content is strictly prohibited. According to Matthew, Jesus left after saying this to spend the night in Bethany (21:17). Scripts '", "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. Join me throughout this Holy Week, here on JBC. By the time of Christ, Jewish nationalism had led to the expectation of a political Messiah to deliver them from Roman control and to re-establish David's kingdom. ", "And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to deatheven death on a cross! Blessed is the king of Israel!. ", "He exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms. In Matthew and Lukes version, Jesus went to the temple that day and cleared it, declaring that people had made the temple into a den of robbers (Matthew 21:12-13) (Luke 19:45-48). Today we are witnessing the fulfilment of Gods covenant promise! What are you up to? Simon: Wait a minute. It was the perfect act. All rights reserved. Click here to preview these bookending items, or scroll down the screen. If you are wanting to stream a particular video in your service, we request you contact us at least 2 weeks before the service to clear any potential copyright issues. A large crowd has gathered near the Mount of Olives. As Jesus rode a donkey into the town of Jerusalem a large crowd gathered and laid palm branches and their clocks across the road, giving Jesus royal treatment. *Ron VandenBurg plans and develops projects specifically for the spiritual formation of children. Uh-huh. WebScene 1 PALM SUNDAY (Reedham Primary School playground) Matt 21:1-27 Mark 11:1-33 Luke 19:28-20:8 John 12:12-36 Synopsis Jesus enters Jerusalem and is greeted by I know when I have ridden a donkey I feel [when I have seen someone riding a donkey they look ] a little foolish, a little vulnerable. When you buy a script or video from us you can show it at any event you like, as long as you're not charging admission to your event. A@wzyNj)cWM"'{ mUS88=KQV^K Salem Media Group. And if anyone should say Print your own copy for a beautiful daily devotional leading up to Easter. Pray with me. The large, long palm brancheswere common in the Holy Land, Jobe said. | Theres debate on how precise the Holy Week countdown is. One. Palm Sunday Bible Verses - Bible Study Tools This script explains the history and significance of Palm Sunday in a funny way. This entrance into the Holy City declares the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Palm Sunday WebLearn more. This year, Palm Sunday falls on April 2.Preparing for Easter can be busy, with Easter baskets to assemble and Easter desserts to bake. John 12:12-19. That did not sound like much of a coronation speech, to me. Simon: The whole crowd is waving palm branches as a preview. To obtain a license for ticketed screenings or performances, distribution, selling or distributing of audio or videotaped events or performances using the purchased material in physical or digital form, or to make any other license request that is not granted by the purchase of the product, please click here to submit your request. Praying through the Holy Week - an 8 Day Prayer and Scripture Guide HERE. (Author: We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. ], Jesus: If you, even you, had only recognized on this day, when your enemies will set up ramparts around you and surround you,, and they will not leave within you one stone upon another;, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation from the Eternal One.. % Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Jesus: [Start walking onto scene.]. In the other, the central figure is surrounded by an unruly assembly of shouting people, paving the dusty route with their cloaks and tree branches. "When kings would come to town or when conquering warriors would come in, they would welcome them with palm branches, which they would throw on the ground in front of them.". After clearing the temple, Matthew records that Jesus performed miracles and taught in the temple. They are saved and when you get to Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent, the ashes come from those burnt palm branches.". Does the Bible Condemn Using Tarot Cards? Twitter In humility, Jesus shows that He has not come to establish an earthly kingdom. Create At the same time, Jesus didnt behave in a way that fit what anyone expected. Instagram He rides a donkey, or a colt. <>>> Palm Sunday was foretold and prophesized in the Old Testament, saying, "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Mark and Luke state that people did ask as the two disciples got the donkey and colt, but let the disciples go on their way after they received Jesus message (Mark 11:6) (Luke 19:32-34). 0 "Palm Sunday begins the journey of how God saved the world through the death and resurrection of Jesus.". at the place called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his Its tempting to focus on later parts of Holy Week (Judas accepting a bribe, Jesus trial and death) because they have the most drama and violence. This is Simon, scribe, for Jerusalem Broadcast News. The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Salem Media Group. Wave your palm fronds! The people who spread their clothes and leaves before Jesus did so as paying reverence to a King. Praying through the Holy Week - an 8 Day Prayer and Scripture Guide HERE. God the revolutionary. startxref to bring good news to the poor, to bring sight to the blind. Prayers for Palm & Passion Sunday March 28, 2021 This liturgy of silence and story combines Palm Sunday (Mark 11:1-11) and Passion Sunday (Mark 14:1-15:47). Viewing the Script - Left click on the links below. This follows the unconfirmed reports from Bethany, that Jesus raised someone from the dead. WebOur scripts are a complete guide to every element of the liturgies of Holy Week, and to every role. It describes some Greeks wanting to speak with Jesus, Jesus talking about how the hour has come for him to be glorified, and a voice from heaven speaking to confirm Jesus will be glorified (John 12:20-33). But first, Palm Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent, begins Holy Week and recognizes Jesus's welcome into Jerusalem before he was crucified. [Turn back to camera]. hb```>VNn 20p, We are live! WebThis Sunday, called Palm or Passion Sunday, is the first day of Holy Week. Get your church prepared to celebrate Holy Week! He will not be your ordinary monarch. The True Meaning Of Christmas-as Told By The Manger by Paul Maisano - View script. What Is the Meaning of Palm Sunday and Why Celebrate it? trailer ", "We must not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we dont give up. But he is not that kind of king. 0000000016 00000 n In one procession trumpets blare, and flags fly. Did you feel high and mighty when riding that donkey? ", "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! cOGzXk"e!5f?f CgL:59&@}/hr+or6! Once they reached Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus told two disciples to go to the next village. We hope that you won't try to copy what we do at St. Gregory's exactly, but will adapt these scripts and materials so they work for you! Instead give them a sheet of paper with a list of parts and ask for a volunteer to direct the scene. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Bible Story, The Ten Commandments - Bible Verses and Importance Today, Parable of the Prodigal Son - Bible Story, The Resurrection of Jesus - Bible Story and Prophecy. Proud member since the confirmed reports [Phoebe nods]. The Easter season always comes with an element of anticipation. progressive 0000006718 00000 n 0000020245 00000 n Jesus replied, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out (19:40). Using passages adapted from the NRSV, this liturgy provides the opportunity for lay leaders to share the story from the Gospel of Mark. Simon: Well, there you have it. . Phoebe: Sorry. Hang on a moment! WebMarch 25, 2018 Palm/Passion Sunday Ten Seekers presented a readers theater production of I Witness by Wanda Berry. His attitude meant that leaders couldnt negotiate or agree to disagree with Jesusthat would require understanding his full agenda and crafting a response. In Marks version, Jesus went to the temple after entering Jerusalem. What Is Palm Sunday? Camera person: Three. ? It is also a promise of Christ's final entrance into the heavenly Jerusalem with all believers and of His accepting the New Jerusalem as His pure Bride (Revelations 21:2). We have usedthe following introduction and conclusion to bookend theSunday Morning Livedrama as the sermon on Palm Sunday, calling the sermon:Not what we expected! we are taken by surprise at each Palm Sunday parade. You said it yourself! "They're not given out to people. The name "Palm Sunday" comes from the crowds of Jerusalem laying down palm leaves joyfully celebrating and revering the arrival of their King. According to the gospels, Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalemand people welcomed him as their king, he said, thinking he'd release them from Roman oppression. You can read the full scripture text of this Bible story below as seen in John 12:12-19, Mark 11:1-11, Matthew 21:1-11, and Luke 19:28-44. Jesus, as our new ruling monarch, will stop crucifixions straight away. Tony: Jesus is different. 2023 dates and a peek into the history of Holy Week. to bring liberty to the oppressed, and to proclaim the year of the Gods favour. do not stop them from taking your tunic.. Details are generally the same between the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), although, in some spots, the accounts diverge. Palm Sunday of the Lords Passion | USCCB Here are the scripts for Palm Sunday, ), which meant those leaders couldnt understand his agenda. He must be our new King! WebDan the donkey has heard of an "icecream sundae" but not a "Palm Sunday". Let us join that eastern procession and our roving reporter with his camera crew. The donkey is also a symbol of humility, said McKenzie, from the National Council of Churches. (Check out our favorite Easter Bible verses too. Look at that! Palm Sunday Scripts - The Skit Guys And during Grecian Games, winners would be welcomed with the branches, he said. This skit requires two people, the donkey and a translator. It helps us understand why people wanted Jesus dead. Most Jews expected the Son of David to enter Jerusalem like the Maccabees, a Jewish soldier on a warhorse coming in to overthrow invaders. aqm+n_S0w'P.60v@J`P=!#]b)LlqWI'`}9*YhzTcZeXL47zxe/Kg&:, +=/a G}/?F on 04/05/2022. The crowd is swelling. ", "Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord! that Jesus has raised a recently deceased man, named Lazarus, [looks to Phoebe and Marion and Tony, who nod]. For example, Spy Wednesday is when Judas took a bribe from the religious leaders to betray Jesus, and Maundy Thursday is when Jesus was arrested. The ceremony wasn't introduced to Western Christianity until about the 9th century. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion This is[wait for congregation to respond]Jesus,son of [wait for congregation to respond] Joseph. Here are the scripts for, We make use of liturgical practices from many different traditions. There are also question sheets to stimulate discussion and thought. 45 0 obj <> endobj xref The Manger used when Jesus was born tells the story of being a servant to the King of kings (unknowingly at first). Magnificent Monologues for Easter | Drama Ministry 2023 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Much like earlier instances (for example, talking to the Samaritan woman at the well), Jesus behaved in a way that made it impossible to be neutral about him. Video purchase grants the right to make minor edits to the work in order to accommodate time constraints as long as the edit does not change the original intent or theme of the work. where we have some late-breaking news. The plan is for Jesus to be the ruler, like a real king, Like those crucifixions?! of When is Good Friday this year? O gates, lift high your heads; grow higher, ancient doors. Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Simon: [aside] Thats not very kingly. TikTok, What is Palm Sunday? [getting more excited] Yes, indeed, this is the day of Love and Hope. about "Palm Sunday Shes currently stitching up a cross-stitch pattern for the magazines next issue, .css-2x3ibz{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Kepler,Helvetica,Arial,Serif;font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:normal;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-2x3ibz:hover{color:link-hover;}}Short Mother-Daughter Quotes to Touch Her Heart, Happy Father's Day Quotes to Celebrate Dad, Heartfelt Quotes to Read When You're Missing Mom, Inspiring Happy Mother's Day Quotes for Every Mom, Summer Instagram Captions for Your Vacation Pics, 36 Funny Graduation Quotes for 2021 Grads, 43 Beautiful Quotes to Share With Your Stepdad, Father-Daughter Quotes to Warm Your Heart, Quotes That Prove Single Moms Are Superheroes. If anyone asked what they were doing, they would say, the Lord needs them, and will have them returned soon. Lukes version notes that the colt had never been ridden before (Luke 19:30).
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