Suddenly Ronnie Anne came to the Loud House and ringed to the door what made Leo cry again. Leo cried even more. -Oh Leni, how have you fallen asleep after what happened today?-Lori asked.-Lincoln I'm sorry. - What? Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The baby cried again because his sleeping was interrupted. - Luna commented annoyed - Haven't we spoken about it? - Say "hello" to your younger sibling. - Dang it! Linka: [While looking at a photo of her and her 10 brothers] Ever wonder what it's like to grow up in a big family? -Never mind that.-Lincoln told them.-All you need to know is mom and dad are gone for the week. LUCY'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. - Waah! The parents were overjoyed but Rita felt tired and went sleep. - Lucy revealed she was holding Lily behind. As que tome asiento y disfrute su trago [Alguno de estos pueden ser bastante fuertes, as como no tener sentido] . - It's not about this. He heads downstairs and sees them looking at family photos. However, his hair is cut shorter and is parted at his forehead. - Leni, we already are 11. A pact made between three sisters, don't pursue Lincoln. - We can discuss after you read every next tome. Lori's Redemption (Hiatus) - Ch276Zj - Wattpad -Don't worry.-Lincoln told her.-I started the car, let the shower get nice and warm, made you a breakfast smoothie to take on the road, took out the makeup you said you were gonna need, and set up your best outfit for the interview. The siblings kept playing with Lily and each of them wanted her to say their names. - Luna took Leo from Lincoln - Look, he's calm now. - Lucy asked confused. -Attention.-Lucy called to her siblings, while Luna and Leni stood behind her.-We would like to perform a little song for you. - You still have me. - Lily can speak! Suddenly Rita and Lynn Sr. came to Lincoln's room with Leo. - Leni said rubbing Lincoln's back - When you were a baby you wanted to be with Luna only. - Lola asked annoyed, - Haha - Leo was playing with Lola's dolls and plushies. - Lincoln said - Do not give your younger brother or sister a rough time like Lynn does to me. - I spoke about it with her. I along with Luna, Luan and Lynn had to constantly remind you to not yell at him. - Lynn Sr. said patting Lincoln's head - If it's your brother, I want him to be as wonderful as you. - Lynn Sr. said leaving his room - Leopold as a newborn baby requires a lot of sleep. The first version was too long, so I decided to spilt it up to two parts. - Lucy commented, - Wanna read manga with me? Also, when she comes out of the bathroom barefoot, she has two left feet. - Lincoln complained - I wanted to play with him first. - Lincoln said. - Lana commented. - I know but he hangs out with Lucy. - Lincoln said - Lucy, please help me. - Rita replied - They became too different from her after you introduced him comics. ", The four eldest Loud brothers are voiced by the same men who voice the. - You were working hard to support us. - He's not the last, it's me this time. Lincoln tricks his brothers into dog-piling on Dad again and uses that distraction to take the watch back. - Luna asked annoyed - That's the last thing that can be associated with my passion. We used to take bath together. You stopped crying when Luna took you and sang for you. - Lynn Jr. asked rethorically, - Yeah, I wonder since when. That's your brother, you can't treat him like this! -But we think there's a monster downstairs.-Lana continued. ? Why is Leo crying? She must have hypnotized you with her voice. - Lincoln said - I wish you were like me so we could play together. - Lola yelled, - Why couldn't this be another girl? -Negatory!-Lisa said.-Once my app has your information, you can't be removed! - Lucy appeared spooking Lincoln and Leni, - I know you 9 years and I still didn't get used to this. Lincoln puts $2.50 with the rest of Leni's cash. -Don't apologize bro.-Luna replied.-We thought we wished you away with our harsh words. This story acts as a sequel to Worlds Loudest and a prequel to Louds of Two Worlds. Some J-pop song is playing. Now I try to be for her the best brother I can. Lincoln walks into Lisa's room to see her frantically cleaning. - This mine. - Lynn commented - Still more the marrier. - Lori explained - Lily, say "Lori", - Who is Wally? - That's too harsh, Linky. - What am I doing wrong? - Lucy said - I enjoy the dark tone of this story and that all is in black and white. - No, I haven't. - Lynn asked, - Leopold is naping and you already have a brother to play with. - Lincoln explained - I haven's heard this for about 10 years. - Rita replied. He couldn't have made it out of Royal Woods even if he left right after Luna yelled at him, and he doesn't have any money to bus out of Royal Woods! Lynn is the only sister whose male counterpart shares the same name as her, as Lynn is a unisex name (although it is more common as a girl's name). She commented "Why my two closest siblings have to be so weird?". - Luan said - Lincoln, Lucy, Lola even Lisa had fun with me. -Come on Lynn!-Lincoln said supportive.-You can do it! - Leo stopped crying after Leni hugged him again, - Now I'll finish your pijama. - What's happening, Rita? - Lincoln replied - I liked when she was singing for me. . - Lincoln replied - I waited 12 years for him. horror and fantasy. - What are you afraid of? Lincoln approached Lily to their mom's belly. - It's so sweet I fear I got diabetic. - Did I really say this? - After our conversation and that I saw how much fun Leo has with you I start feeling I didn't appreciate you enough before he was born. Fanfiction: One of the Females | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Lana:[kisses her and belches] Bye, Dad! -Hey guys, mom and dad just left for the week.-Lincoln told the girls. No one knew what to do after that, people who walked past the house thought the Loud family moved it was so quiet. LANA AND LOLA'S FLASHBACK FROM A YEAR AGO BEGINS. Sibling's love: a feeling as pure and beautiful as that which can exist between parents and their children; a feeling so magical that can only exist between those people. I hope you'll be as lovable brother as him. - I'm Leni, my little Leo. Lincoln backs away from Lori and backs into Leni's sewing machine moving the machine and ruining the dress Leni was sewing. - Lola yelled at Leo - Nobody allowed you to touch my toys! Lincoln's voice remains the same in other international dubs. While the majority of the girls are peacefully sleeping, one of them is a wide awake in the living room, staring at a notification on her phone that read "Hello my followers on HeadNovel, I just wanted you to know, that my DayDream tour has been cancelled because my dear mom is ill, and I'm going to be taking care of her the whole year, instead of touring. She has no sense of fun. - But you are a good brother and we all love you. -Can we talk?-Lincoln asked.-I've had a terrible day. -But guys I slipped on a ball, I never would've done that on-Lincoln is interrupted again by the twins. - Lucy said - Then he'll stop crying. You still have your 10 older siblings who care about you. Lincoln's alarm clock goes off waking him up. Lincoln catched Lucy and tried to talk with her. Aww. Credit to Harburton81 for the title. - Leni commented hugging Leo. - Lynn should have heard this. Indie Rock Grrrl-Blues Saraceno[Title card.] - Don't be selfish. Today was Friday school was out and the weekend was about to start, usually, he would be in his room reading his patent Ace Savvy comics in his underwear by now but today was a special Friday. LYNN'S FLASHBACK CONCLUDES TO REVEAL THAT SHE HAS FALLEN ASLEEP. -Well what is represented by this map? - Leni asked, - I don't have time nor desire. -Say no more.-Lincoln replied taking the dollar from Luna and putting it in the machine. -Why's the country station on?-Luna asked. While Lynn and Lana were playing Luna and Lincoln came to the bathroom with Leo. - Lynn Sr. yelled, - Sorry, I didn't want to wake up Lily. ? -Yeah, you look like your day has been terrible.-Lola finished. - Lynn Jr. explained - I don't get why he prefers to play with her over me. They brought her to parents to show them she can speak. - Luan replied embracing Lily - I love playing with you. - Leni said smiling - You remind me of Lincoln a lot. - Lynn Sr, commented - Shame I didn't record it. Lincoln takes the book from Lucy, and walks around while reading in his head. - Lori, take care of your boyfriend! Technically his five older sisters brought him up. Alternate Universe. - Lincoln always wanted to have a brother. - Leni commented - Luan liked to entertain you with her puppets. - I hope he's more playful than you. Meanwhile in Lola and Lana's room, they have gone a full 12 hrs. - Once she had to bathe you and Lynn after you had a mud wrestling. That's one of the ways our sibling bonds were forged. Leo woke up in her arms and was completelly confused. The only thing that could calm you down was my voice. - Lincoln said confused - Why isn't he crying? - Do you know how much he reminds me of you? -What! - And the most important! Love is a better teacher than duty. His sisters thought him this. He changes Lily's diapers, feeds her and burps her. - It's Dutch Oven! But I hope it's our new brother because then he'll accept my hobby. -Lincoln, get out of here!-Lynn and Lucy said in a fit of rage. - Of course. - Luan asked. - Leni, please let me hold him. - You could hardly endure her presense. After finding a jar of peanut butter, Lincoln sticks his finger in the peanut butter, and eats it. cosmic horror. A Brothers Duty Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction - Luna commented, - That was weird. - Lynn Sr. said, - First bring Lincoln and Lucy, you all need to hear it. - Normally I would accept it but I want to form a strong bond with my only brother. - He has a name, its Leo. A sister breaking the pact in a need to make her brother happy. - You always have me. Rita's nurse summoned her family to her room. - Lincoln once told me Lori yelled at him a lot when he was a baby. -I'm Lincoln!-Lincoln told her.-Not just some invisible force! ["Holy moly!"] - Lincoln said - I promised to hang out with you to avoid this. - Lisa commented - I didn't cry then and I learned how to speak before reaching my first year. In the Latin American Spanish dub, Lars's line "Luke flushed him" is said in an innuendo form (". Loud House FanFiction Archive | FanFiction Linka: Uh oh. - Rita said leaving with Lynn Sr. - Ahh. - Clyde commented - Can I still come in? With five minutes left on the clock, Lincoln looks through the garbage can where he threw the watch away, but Lexx has found it and decides to play "Keep Away" with the watch, to which the nine other brothers join in. - Lucy commented - Strange that he no longer cries in your arms. I know because I liked this as well. - I got used to be called bro, how will you call Leo? -All you have to do is go in, and I'll walk through it with you.-Lincoln answered. - Leni replied - Lynn often played with you in boucning ball and in wrestling she loved this very much. LUAN'S FLASHBACK FROM 4 YEARS AGO BEGINS. The next day, Lincoln is woken up from Lars' bat colony and receives two horrible punches: one from Lynn (for waking him up) and one from Lars (for scratching his coffin). -Lincoln!-Luan yelled.-I have had this squirt flower for as long as I can remember! This one shot is set in the future where Lincoln ran away after having enough of his family's insane superstitions. - I don't get why is Leo so unhappy. - Lincoln and Lana yelled in unison. - Mom's belly. - He complained she gives him rough time. It's a miracle when I find a common interest with them. With that in mind, Lincoln jumps in. -They wished him away, and away he did go. - Leni suggested smiling - I always like when you acompany me. - No need, I have no intention to speak with her after such brutal honesty. - Lisa, please don't do this again. - Lincoln said and took cap from the sink what made Leo dissatisfied - Here we go. - Lynn Sr said - I'll tell you something. -Lincoln.-Lynn called him.-Get up it's time for breakfast! Lincoln organized her test tubes, separated chemicals, vacuumed the floor, and combed Lisa's normally shaggy hair. I need to work because mom and dad don't have enough cash to support you all here and me in Detroid. - I wove aww of you. - Hair isn't not a good material for chains. Luan performed shadow puppetery to take the babies' attention. -How was I supposed to-Lincoln gets interrupted again. -It's just that this story is really sad, don't you know. - You have more of them, Lily. -Woah.-Lisa whispered.-I seemed to have given the power of levitation to my baby sister. - Luan commented laughing - Get it? But when he's finally sorted, he's revealed to possess a completely new Archetype: Harem King. - You two were unable to separate. Oh, he has my eyes. -It's about a boy who lived with some girls, till a week ago. Suddenly Lynn took Leo to her bed and covered him and herself with blanket to make him a Dutch Oven. - Lincoln asked - Why never skin or hair or spit? - Lana and Lola asked in unison - No way. Later a "werewolf" howled at them, but they didn't even notice, and they kept walking forward. - Lynn Sr. said, - Yeah! ? - I'll show him my room. - Hello, Lincoln. Each sibling had own fantasy with the new sibling. - You take it too seriously. - Luna said laughing - We all bathed together. - Hypocrite, you yell at me. - Lincoln replied - Lana and Lola mimicked each other. - Please, be gentle to him. [Transition to Lincoln in bed.] -It's your fault!-The twins told each other growling. I was your baby bro. She was holding her newborn baby, it was a brown-haired tiny boy. He closed his door, put Lily on his bed and turned on his tape recorder. - I didn't this but at least Leopold will have some peace. Irida: I'll meet you in the Cobalt Coastlands. - I do remember. One big Family 37 parts Ongoing Lynn Sr and Rite put Lincoln up to adoption because they still think he's bad luck they thought put. His name is Leopold. Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 1 | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - Lincoln took his plushy from Leo's mouth. When Lincoln was preparing to sleep Lucy visited him as always making him scream out of surprise. He checks Luna and Luan's room, only to see they aren't there. - Now if we're done with memories of your births, then let me go to my room in peace. It was a typical Saturday morning in the Loud House, the Loud siblings were causing lot of noise by doing what they enjoy doing the most. - Lincoln said with depressed tone. - Lucy commented - Have you ever wondered why I have my eyes covered? - I told you a new child will be in my family. Is that all you said? Lincoln Loud/Lucy Loud - Works | Archive of Our Own - Nothing. - Leni commented - I envied Luna this idea because thanks to this Lincoln wanted to hang out with her over me. -There's this invisible barrier that's keeping me from punching you!-Lana complained. Building Suspense-Richard Myhill[Lincoln plans on going back to his own dimension.] In middle of summer the 12th Loud sibling was about to be born. - Al siblings were stunned and dropped their jaws, - I hope this time I'll finally have a brother. - Lincoln asked - I just heard she sang same lullaby for Leo. -Stop saying I'm invisible.-Lincoln griped.-It's me, your older brother Lincoln! - Lynn Sr. said, - Mom, dad, that's the best day of my life. They arrive back home where they greet their parents (who are wearing inverted clothes) and quickly dog-pile on Dad. However, Luke's method of "cleaning" involves him using Lincoln's head to scrub the toilet. -Hey, mom and dad are gone for the week and wanted me to tell you that they'd be gone.-Lincoln said to them. - Why Weo? He thought nobody is around so he made a really sad face and fell on knees. In the Latin American dub of the episode, three lines are silent: "Clear!" - Lincoln explained - I had the biggest attention of mom and dad. Haha. He didn't see your eyes and it terrified him. -That boring guy has the power to send me on a tour with Mick Swagger!-Luna said. -This is the two-player version.-Lincoln said picking up a dollar.-Want to play? - Lincoln said - You will welcome our new family member. [The brothers make fun of Lincoln.] - He seems confused. Leni took Leo to her room and put him on her bed. You yelled a lot on Lincoln when he was a baby. After Lincoln takes the watch, Lisa warns him that he needs to return to his original world within 24 hours, or else he'll be stuck in the new dimension forever. - Lynn commented excited, - If you give our new sibling a rough time like me you won't play long with him or her. LUNA'S FLASHBACK FROM 2 YEARS AGO BEGINS. - Aah. Then you were afraid of being different. Lana reached Lynn's room and woke her up. - Lincoln asked - You are more crafty with your every new thing. - We still have each other. - Lori said, - Are you nat happy to have another brother? - Leo cried because of the stinky chemicals. - Leni complained. Lincoln still has 3 sisters to tell, so he went to Lisa's room. - Lincoln commented, crying out of joy. The Shadow of His Heart By: Catspeaker. - It didn't vanish completely. - Lana said trying to hug Lynn, - Gotcha! Category:Fanfiction | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom - She just loves playing with you and doesn't know her own strength. - Lincoln complained. - Oh, that reminds me something. ? - I tried to make Lincoln and Lucy my playing partners. Linka Loud - Works | Archive of Our Own The 12th Loud sibling is born, a boy named Leopold. Emergency Force-Richard Birdsall["I'm in the wrong dimension!"] Now! - Just help him adjust his new room. - Lily said smiling and kissed Lincoln in cheek. Just listen to this recording. - Lisa said, opening her room, - Waah! - You like reading and writting poems and I like reading comics. -I thought it was terrifying!-Leni told them. - Lincoln said to Lily - You don't have to be worried about making any noise. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! - Did you just saw a pj for Leo? - Lincoln catched Leo who began crying - Lily! - Surprise Lincoln! -The music now moving faster than The Flash, Luna and Lincoln refuse to lose here, and begin moving incredibly fast, and get a perfect score on hard as well. -Do you think Lincoln is still somewhere?-Lynn asked.-And if so, do you think he's alright? - I told you to not enter my room! Lincoln leaves and Lola and Lana resume fighting. -I tried, but you all yelled at me before I got the chance.-Lincoln answered.-And I didn't leave a note because I thought you would get mad at me. - Lincoln said dishonestly - You sleep in my room. Lynn Sr. tried to calm him down because Rita was already sleeping. You couldn't hear amps, screams, or fighting, you weren't likely to step in a ditched diaper, get hit with a rogue soccer ball, or get a pie to the face.
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