She is full of positivity. It may indicate a big change coming or a change of job, it may seem like something you dont want at the time but it will be good for you. Again it may seem like you are only faced with undesirable choices but thats not actually the case. All rights reserved. Tarot cards indicating potential for love. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. This card can also give you an idea of how you can help speed up a reconciliation if that is your aim. The Lover Returns: Top 3 Tarot Cards for Reconciliation Questions concerning relationships are usually quite high on the list in readings and, perhaps, one of the most frequently asked is the possibility of reconciling with an ex-lover or partner. Privacy and Terms. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. Unless other cards advise differently, make your judgments from the heart, not the head. You might be eager for a reconciliation thinking that all the fuss has died down, and that you are more stable in your self. In modern Lovers tarot symbolism, this significance is gone when the Lovers are enmeshed. The Lovers tarot card represents the synergy between partners who are already independent, fulfilled, and self-assured, yet seek partnerships to accentuate their lives. There is great potential here. The Lover Returns: Top 3 Tarot Cards for Reconciliation | Learn-Tarot Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. Dont get frustrated at your body just give it the time it needs to heal. They will be fun to be around, and the relationship will feel like an adventure. If youve recently split up, their feelings are still there. Yes, this relationship is going to continue for the foreseeable future. No spell removal upsells, we promise. They lack confidence in you and your past relationship and they feel that you arent compatible as partners. When the Lovers tarot appears in a romance reading, your romantic relationship is in good shape. This could mean using the things youve learned from the breakup to move on or simply being proactive in getting back together with your ex. You must maintain balance and allow your partner, friends, and other supports to help you. Love this deck?Buy The Biddy Tarot Deck Now! It might show you that your ex is currently coming to grips with something or perhaps theres something you can do to fix things. The Star reversed as reconciliation can also mean that they feel unworthy of you. A Love Reading Request - Will There be a Reconciliation? Advertisement What does the World card mean? The Lovers tarot card astrology relates to the sign of Gemini. No spell removal upsells, we promise. The Lovers tarot card reversed in money and career reading suggests a lack of balance and harmony among colleagues or business partners. The Lovers tarot card appears reversed; you must work on establishing boundaries. The Star depicts a naked woman kneeling over a pool of water, surrounded by the light of many stars rising in the sky. The Lovers is one of the best Tarot cards indicating potential for love. As with the general meaning, this comes from gaining a deeper understanding of yourself, who you are and your personal morale code. Financially, The Lovers reversed can represent being financially irresponsible and making impulsive decisions in relation to money. Your relationship may lack depth and your pursuit of love may lead you to undermine your spiritual practices and beliefs. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? Lovers as Reconciliation (Upright & Reversed) Tarot Card Meaning The Lovers in a career Tarot reading can also indicate the possibility of getting romantically involved with a work colleague. The Judgement tarot card is about second chances and new beginnings. The Lovers signifies perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. If you can, take the time to meditate and clear your mind before beginning. It's often through the relationships in your life -- friendships, family, work alliances, love partnerships -- that you learn the most about yourself. TAROT The Tower is an indicator that everything must be torn down as you know it, in order to ever build something new. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. The Lovers tarot card can also signify a need for balance in your life - between work and play, head and heart, etc. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. The Star is a guiding light, showing us the positive path. Often when we look back, the good things overshadow the negativity we experienced, and we long for false memories. The arrival of this card in a Tarot reading shows that you have a beautiful, soul-honoring connection with a loved one. Keep toxins out of your environment and be mindful of the need for fresh air when the Lovers appear in a health reading. Instead be accountable, learn from past mistakes and let them go. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. Otherwise, your partner might lose respect for you and not stick around for the long term. I have previously written about the symbolism behind the snake on The Lovers Tarot card. A sexual connection, even an intense one, is not enough in itself to make a relationship work. Soulmates, sex, and even marriage can be predicted with The Lovers. The relationship is still salvageable. Your collaborations with a partner help you open your mind to new beliefs. Dont try to blame the universe if your situation is a result of choices that youve made. They are afraid of getting hurt even further. General The Lovers is usually a yes, especially if youre concerned about making the right decision. Do they like me? In either case, pay attention to the combination of this with the other cards. We might think we already know the cause but this card often reveals a hidden reason we might not have considered. The Lovers tarot meaning for singles suggests you will meet someone who impacts your life. Tarot Meanings: The Devil and the Lovers Combination It focuses on looking forward and how to get over your ex. You may find your relationships are strained and communication is challenging. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. I dont just give you a few random cards and their meanings. This is especially true if there are Queen (or King) Court cards around, as these can represent the fact that your lovers wife/husband is here to stay. Pages indicate newness, and the Cups suit is all about emotions and relationships. When this card arises, you must open yourself to accepting the truth of your situation -- emotions aside. I'll be doing your reading myself and sending you the results. The Forgiveness Tarot Spread. If you've experienced a rift between you and another in the recent or distant past, this card is telling you that you're a different person now. Does the future of this look promising? If you are asking about how someone feels about reconciling with you, and you draw the Star reversed, it means that your ex feels very disconnected from you. All Rights Reserved. It's obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. Just like Adam and Eve being naked in front of each other on this card, your partner feels that they can be raw with you. Another possibility is that The Lovers can symbolize the approach of major choices that you have to make for your career; usually, you will have to choose between two things. This is the crux card. You may have the same problems repeating in relationships across the board when the Lovers tarot appears reversed. If this card is representing a partnership, it will be a great partnership and mutually beneficial. It can show you what stands in the way of reconciliation and why it hasnt already happened. The third card gives us some insight into their thoughts and feelings for the future. Explore Tarot Decks. with The Tarot Guide? The communication between you two is picture-perfect. My spreads are handwritten and are almost always sent within an hour. It pops up because, for most business people, their company is their passion. Strong emotions can make relationships volatile. They greatly respect you too. Although someone from your past returns and you have a chance to resolve your differences, the Lovers tarot reversed indicates work is needed to repair the relationship. Your partnership may be a source of spiritual guidance when the Lovers tarot card appears. The Lovers Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More Unsubscribe at any time. Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings, Join Brigit's All-New Tarot Workshop - FREE. You cant take a passive stance in relationships. In most versions of the tarot, the Lovers stand beneath the gaze of an angel, Raphael. It can help guide you towards reconciliation if thats your goal. You may be feeling uncertain about situations, people in your life or what direction you should take. Pay attention to boundaries as you must restore harmony and a collaborative spirit to relationships that are out of balance. If you are single The Lovers does indicate a relationship is coming your way but it may not happen as soon as you hoped. Your perspective expands because of insight from others. Your relationships will improve. the we world are worthy of. The Lovers in a health context can simply be an indication that you have decisions to make regarding a course of treatment. Dont rely on this one card to give you the answer. The Lovers is one of my top ten cards marriage Tarot cards. Passion can be a good thing. Expect good results from that relationship. If youve been in separation for a while, theyve realized that their life is incomplete without you. The next layout focuses more specifically on their feelings. This card is often hopeful and points to the fact that they still care about you. Even if you dont feel that youre ready for a relationship, a special someone will come along and sweep you off of your feet! Now, with a newer, more mature sense of feeling and openness, these rifts can be reconciled thanks to new perspectives on an old situation. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. If the two of you are still considering whether or not you should break up, the Star is a big fat No!. The Lovers represent you and your partner having a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical connection that most couples can only dream about. They dont trust you, but remember, this isnt your fault and its entirely possible that it stems from their distrust of themselves.