Because theres really no such thing as a bad employee. Creating a business plan for a Self Service Car Wash is an important step in setting up a successful and profitable business. But I was there to take away the barriers, the organizational barriers, and the management barriers, to say what do you need to do your job as well as you can?, Be sure to listen in to hear this episode where David Begin shares outstanding tips! I always had For years, I had an adversarial relationship with my employees. Print functionality varies between browsers. Thanks, everybody. I had some other partners that were going to be involved, but like most partnerships, you know, there was misunderstandings on who was going to do what and when, but I sort of decided after two years after building the second one, I said, I can no longer be in the software business. Worked in Copenhagen, London, Houston, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki and Hamburg for various projects and positions. Bachelors degree in business, marketing, communications, or related field; alternatively, equivalent relevant and progressive experience. In the past there has tended to be a lack of coordination among the organisations and agencies responsible for WASH projects, for example between governmental and non-governmental organisations, and this has resulted in duplication of effort, contradiction or inconsistency (WUP, 2003). Why did I wait so long to open the third car wash? So, if youre going to get a Jimmy Johns franchise, youre going to get Jimmy Johns policy and procedures manual. In October 2020, ICWG acquired Sudsy's Car Wash, a center with three locations in Nashville, Tennessee. We call this "faceless crowd" marketing . I wasnt there to make an easy job. You need to have a valid driver's license. And Ive seen a lot of operational managers that have three or four screens on their desk, and theyre watching each car wash to see how things are going to see how people are loading, how theyre processing cars. So, when we offer a policy and procedures manual, we train people on the Policy and Procedures Manual. Feeling like you show up, and that you have something to offer, and that people look to you to be somebody that can help other people around you. A key stakeholder is a person or a group of people with significant influence over a programme or who will be significantly impacted by it. Meet regularly with key stakeholders (clients and board members . And I didnt have the wherewithal to enforce it. Mobile app as a platform for safe and secure transaction. Im your host, JT Thomson. . I think the information people are getting from motor control units is getting better and better. Its the rare exception. David 34:04Yeah, you just got to I think what you probably did JT, when you were running them, you explained whats the culture here. Read up on Vision and Mission Statements The first step is to prepare for the task of putting together your vision and mission statements. Excluding less obvious stakeholders from the usual decision-making processes is an easy mistake to make and may have serious social or economic costs. And I was asked to create a car wash operational consulting company called CarwashOS. But now, managers are getting all types of reports by exception. Dont miss this great conversation where your host JT Thomson dives into operations and work place culture with guest David Begin. And its probably a self policing culture. Its good for you folks, the employees, or, in some cases, its good for the people that invested in this car wash, you know? Local Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) are funded by the SBA and offer free or low-cost business assistance to entrepreneurs. And I literally had Working with a manager, I finally just literally had an epiphany one day, and I wish I could describe it some other way. And youre going to create that engagement. So if they come in, and it just seems haphazard, it seems like well, we have an employee manual. Being an automobile manufacturing company, our primary stakeholders include Customers, Dealers, Suppliers, Employees and Community. Cross-disciplinary refers to the academic disciplines and training of the people involved. So, thats some of the advantages that the larger chains have is that they make these investments in these systems, and then theyre able to scale these systems. Outline the purpose of stakeholder mapping. And its really a quiz. Executive Summary. And I would tell people, its a lot easier to run six restaurants than it is two or even three, or one. Like how do they create that engagement and excitement if they only have a couple sites, and they think theyre only going to get to three or four? Communication is a key success factor as information must be shared up, down, and across the network continually.The incumbents success will be measured by various KPIs and their ability to lead and train high-performing teams to align with the companys strategy and vision. The family would be in group A: they have a high interest in the success of the initiative but have little power. They want to feel like theyre successful, theyre useful. But if you look at the number of people who own 300 + restaurants, its hundreds. And I didnt give them a training path. You are developing a plan to meet with stakeholders to hear their opinions about the proposed scheme because it is important their views are taken into consideration. Involving stakeholders in this way ensures more effective outcomes. Well, Kahoot is a way Its a fun kind of a game way that you can put in Say you have 20 questions, and everybody gives out their phone, and you can do it remotely, you can do it together. A cycle is $1.25 for 4 minutes. Im here today with David Begin. Involving stakeholders in planning and implementing projects is essential for their success and sustainability. So talk about that. And I was traveling quite a bit, my kids were getting into high school, and I thought I didnt really want to travel as much anymore. And theres one way of doing, and it is what Jimmy or John or Jimmy John decides they want to do. The purpose of stakeholder mapping is to analyse the relative power and influence of different stakeholders and relate this to their level of interest in the scheme, project, programme, etc. A new colleague has recently joined your work team and you are asked to explain to them what you are doing and why. Take all the friction out of the process, right? Bills not going to fit in here. Because what that told me, first of all, is there was a strong enough culture amongst the existing employees, they werent going to tolerate somebody coming in and not following the standards or following the culture. However they still expressed their concerns because they felt the scheme was abusing holy spring water. So, youve got to get to be able to go back to a situation and say what happened? Our concept is to create a business ecosystem that is a win-win-win for all stakeholders. It is essential to inform the community and help them to understand the situation and decide together upon the best course of action. And so, you hire people that have got varying skill sets, but one skill set that most managers dont have is the wherewithal to sit down and write a policy and procedures manual, or to sit down and figure out how to manage employees effectively in such a way that youre getting the very best out of them. JT 8:35So was this your job? I finally had to go learn how to manage. So its a real honor to have him on the show. I didnt know how to manage people were you. Its just amazing what they can be told or whats happening with motors tripping, or equipment thats not on, or pressures that are not happening anymore, you know, at the chemical dispensing systems. These could include engineers, sociologists, hydrologists, doctors, nurses, accountants and managers to name but a few. Why is this our policy? JT 35:37Yeah, for sure. You'll also need to think about how you'll market your car . They can be both internal - shareholders, employees, the chief executive and board of directors - and external - customers. because theres that feeling that Im going to be out of the car wash business. And what were the keys for you? Mohammed should be loyal to the society he serves and build long-term trust by openly discussing the problem and the technology options. They show up, and they make sure the money gets What was your role? Well, hey, everybody. Key stakeholders can be identified based on their relative influence in decision making, their responsibility, their involvement in day-to-day operations, their direct or indirect dependency on the project and their representation in the community. You manage the standards, and you get exceptions to let you know when things need to be addressed. And that gives you more of a pragmatic approach to creating kind of a standard. These could be local community representatives, municipal sector offices (for example, water resources, health and education) and development partners including donors, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs) and private sector groups. And what it is, it kind of gamifies. Direct competitors are other car washes. However, there are hindrances that need to surmounted to make this effort sustainable. Along the way, Ive been a multi-unit restaurant owner with 23 units in five states. And hes built car washes run car washes hes been the president of the ICA, so he has really got just an extensive knowledge in this space. The importance of onboarding, which is just absolutely critical for the long term success. And if you had a slant one way or the other, we slant towards culture, just because we feel like we can teach a lot of the other things. So thats very interesting, because thats The other thing I would tell people when we used to have a bunch of restaurants. I thought they were lazy, I thought they were they didnt want to work hard. What issues would this raise? And finally, you know, I always said theres three stakeholders in the car wash business, theres the owners who are interested in making money. But I was struggling operationally, I mean, I was one of those people that really didnt know how to run them. I usually communicate that its either one of the three stakeholders: its good for our customers, and thats the reason why we do it, and it creates a great experience for them. In other words, you make profits once your car wash has at least 81 customers per day. What do you do when you have a damage claim, right? They might be good with equipment, and good with employees, but they might not be good with customers, right? Do the very best you can, whether its with me, whether its with another car wash, or whether its with a billionaire customer thats driving their car through that wants to hire a rockstar employee, that could be your next opportunity. And then a lot of times theres an investment that takes place, too, right? David 18:15It makes such a difference! David 8:24Yeah, so the third site that we built, I think we had the right processes. methods (how will you put the plan into action?). JT 22:18I think weve started using Maintain X. I cant give a glowing review on it yet. AJ is co-founder of MyLoyaltyApps, CEO of Great American Carwash and the president of the Central Blackstone Merchants Association. 2. David 2:29It was three. As yet, an alternative technology is not widely available.). And one of the best keys to happiness is feeling like youre valued! According to Professional Carwashing and Detailing research, car wash sales reached $5.8 billion last year . If you get to that point, pat yourself on the back, because thats the result of a lot of hard work that you did in building that culture in your organization. Rs. And it usually, again, were just trying to react to that. The full service operation will offer three basic wash packages: a $7.50 Basic wash, a $9.50 Deluxe wash and a $12.50 Super wash. All full-service wash packages will include an interior cleaning service, which consists of carpet vacuuming, window and dash cleaning, and a preservation treatment. You ask them all to read your employee handbook. And so, yeah, I got in in the early 2000s. I just had this attitude about them that was not serving anybody. So I know a lot of people are using that. You know, something that my car wash mentor told me, which I never forgot, he goes, When you hire somebody, theyre still interviewing with you. And so I always figured there was something you could do to figure it out. So I think technology enables us to scale at a much different rate and manage remotely better. Here are the requirements to start a car wash business in Canada: You must be at least 18 years old. Im glad Im here. This is a _____ change that can affect business., Cluny realizes there are no automatic car washes in his town. Im seeing now technology embedded in chemistry systems, which is really cool. As recently as June 2019, private equity owned about 1% of the nation's 65,000 total car washes and 2% of the country's roughly 17,000 conveyor-style car washes, according to data from one of the industry's dedicated brokerages, New York-based Car Wash Advisory LLC. Some of those among the wide group of possible stakeholders can be identified as key stakeholders. I mean, it took me 10 years to create a policy and procedures manual, and it still wasnt very good. But I didnt have a methodology in which to train them, in which to hold them accountable, in which for them to grow as individuals so that they could they could do well. So I was heavily involved in the business. And so I didnt have the wherewithal, the ability, or the interest of creating the Policy and Procedures Manual. What do you do if you have a conflict with a customer? So Im going to do everything I can to invest in you, as a person and as a manager. There is a new emphasis on the importance of communication and collaboration. The US car wash industry value was $14.21 billion in 2020. You are preparing a plan to engage stakeholders in the project. This can be useful when developing a plan for stakeholder engagement. When you have studied this session, you should be able to: 4.1 Define and use correctly each of the key words printed in bold. But who are the stakeholders and how do you identify them? It is particularly important to ensure that such groups have a voice and are listened to. So now weve got to do a lot of okay, this is why we do it. She designed the spring development structure and in consultation with the donor agency hired a contractor to start construction. These major players make a direct contribution to the success of the business. So, youve talked about training, weve talked about systems and processes. So please read that. And so I kind of went on this journey for years of trying to figure out what to do. A systematic approach to defining and identifying all relevant stakeholders during early planning stages is therefore essential for ensuring the effectiveness and sustainability of urban WASH initiatives. Explain your answers. They include: Printable page generated Monday, 1 May 2023, 09:55. And you cant do it when youve got 10 car washes. The groundwater source has high fluoride content but was the only water source available to be developed. Mobile Car Wash Business Process Review; In the United States of America and even around the world, the car wash and auto retail industry, of which mobile car wash is a part, is considered to be one of the industries that employs more unskilled workers. Im JT Thomson with Scaling Car Washes Podcast. JT 36:49Well, David, thank you so much for taking some time! And you know, I loved on them. And its hard, right? And so I tried a few different things. Why didnt you do it the way I laid it out? The benefits will depend on the context, but include increased community confidence, which comes from cooperating over project development. And one of the things that they do is they, when they hire somebody, they go through interviews with a lot of people, minimum of like seven or eight different people, and you know, they have this test: is this somebody youd want to bring to the company barbecue? The use of water in the case of touch-free car wash You want no downtime. What do you want your damage policy to be? (SAQs 4.1 and 4.2), 4.2 Identify the range of stakeholders in urban WASH. (SAQs 4.1 and 4.3), 4.3 Explain how stakeholder mapping can be used to analyse the roles and influence of stakeholders. And thats an example of a great work culture, right? This brings benefits through: It may also increase efficiency if stakeholders contribute their labour and resources. In which group would you place such a stakeholder on the diagram shown in Figure 4.5? You create this quiz with answers, and then people to go through, and its kind of fun. They just didnt. For other, less engaged stakeholders, printed leaflets or other methods for providing information could be considered. David 5:07I didnt have systems! You can earn good profits from this business. So you got to balance those three stakeholders in their competing interests. 10]. But, you know, what are some things that if youre just advising people that are trying to grow their business, how do they implement a training program? And then theres all types of different methods to do that. Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $90,000. Colin's Car Detailing case study (referred as "Detailing Car" for purpose of this article) is a Harvard Business School (HBR) case . Property purchase and build-out: $200,000. Stakeholder engagement improves communication and leads to better understanding. Direct use of the groundwater for drinking will cause serious health problems for the community because of its high fluoride content. Fig.2 shows water use for various car wash types. If you have a fully automated car wash business, you can probably remain open around the clock without any problems. So, I always tell people: prepare for that opportunity. Are you going to be open on Sundays? Community involvement is shown in the construction of a school latrine facility in Figure 4.2 and a water point in Figure 4.3. We had the right people; we had the right management techniques. And you know, I loved on them. Even though they started day one, theyre still in an interview mode, where theyre asking themselves the question, was the decision I made to come work for this particular car wash a good decision? In any highly competitive market, it becomes increasingly difficult to find additional revenue opportunities. And so, with ours, unfortunately, weve made a little bit of work for ourselves. So I think theres three segments of really good car washes, and I think one of them is you find employees that want to be engaged, right? So, lets talk about that. Apr 21, 2023 (The Expresswire) -- [127 Insights] " Car Wash Market " Size 2023 Key players Profiled in the Report are [Commercial Vehicle, Passenger Car, Others] most important, influential,. I think were just now starting to use it. And, you know, I would always say, you know, two oclock on a Saturday was our witching hour, right? JT 19:22So what are some tools Like, you know, weve just started using a system called Trainuel. And thanks for having me on your podcast. JT 10:51Yeah, those are different skill sets, for sure. Smart planning is the key to success. You know, how do we operate as a company? They stand to benefit from a planned urban WASH initiative in their area. Step 1: Write your business plan No matter the industry, opportunity, or location you have in mind for a new company, you have to start with a robust business plan. JT 32:55And to be proud of what theyve You know, so if they are managing a single location there as a site general manager, then make their site the best site that theyve been to. The average hand car wash costs about $7. JT 13:35Talk a little bit about that. Ms Genet shared this information with her immediate supervisor and, realising the benefits the improved water supply would bring, they decided to use the promised money to implement the scheme. And so we opened our first car wash in 2006, our second car wash in 2008, and our third car wash in 2017, which Im sure theres a big story. Some may be influential in the organisation or community in which they operate and hold official positions. Engaging stakeholders helps to improve decision making and accountability and ensure sustainability of WASH projects. And what was it So, as you were building those, how did you get in? So, you, as an owner, are probably going to have the highest standards that there are, right? Such a plan should outline: The methods used will vary for different stakeholders and will depend on several factors including how actively they are involved. Assuming a customer spends $10 on average, your break-even is 2,440 customers per month, or 81 per day (assuming 7/7). Read Case Study 4.2 and answer the questions that follow. Theyre not going to let somebody in that doesnt fit. Working across disciplinary and sector boundaries presents challenges because different ways of working must be brought together cooperatively, but this is not always easy to achieve. The owner of a sole proprietorship is responsible for all debts and obligations of the business. Have you ever used Kahoot. Marketing costs: $10,000. It is important to identify and characterise the stakeholders involved when planning urban WASH projects so that all interests can be considered. Look back to Section 4.1 and see if you can find it. Opening a car wash business can be a fun, interesting, and profitable business for somebody with business smarts and perseverance. Nobody was ever really interested in seeing me drive up on site, because they knew it was just going to be a bunch of problems for them. Understand Car Wash Operations Put Together a Business Plan Get Financing Invest in Equipment Get Your Paperwork in Order Get Your Car Wash Insured Market Your Car Wash Looking Ahead It's a messy world out there, and especially for your car. You still have to have somebody to manage those things. The best thing I ever heard from my employees, when we hired a new employee, was they they would tell me, Oh, hows Bill doing? And they would say, You know what? But if I have a high standard, but then I sort of temper that standard a little bit, thats where I found that employees were a lot happier, I was a lot happier, customers were a lot happier, because I just didnt create unrealistic standards. This means encouraging people to participate. This could potentially lead to improved hygiene practices in the wider community if they tell their families what they have learned at school. But I didnt put a ton of thought into it. And really, what we have, weve got a If you were to print this all out, which you cant do on Trainual anymore, its all online But if you were to print out our policy and procedure manuals, its probably about 150 pages. I opened my first express Washington 2005. I mean, I loved the car wash industry. Right? 1. A stakeholder is any person, organisation or group with an interest (stake) in something, such as a particular situation, intervention, project or programme. Care is needed to ensure that everyone understands each other and that the information provided by and to stakeholders is accurate, relevant and can be easily understood. David 31:57Yeah, it really, really made a huge difference for me, and how I looked at my employees. Mass mailers are expensive and they don't work. In Study Session 4, you have learned that: Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Copyright 2023 Scaling Car Washes | Developed by, Setting Your Car Wash Business Up for Scaling Success, How to Create a Strong Workplace Culture at Your Car Wash, 15: Expert Tips for Financing Options When Scaling Your Car Wash, 14: Creating a Successful Business Culture with Nick Friedman, 13: How to Scale Your Car Wash and Keep All Stakeholders Happy with David Begin, Episode 01: Scaling Car Washes Get to Know JT Thomson, How to Approach Human Resources to Strengthen Your Car Wash Business, 11: The Role of HR in Scaling Your Car Wash Business with Linda Michaels, Top Tips for Scaling and Selling Success in Your Car Wash Business, 10: Scaling and Selling Advice for Car Wash Owners with M&A Expert Jeff Pavone, How to Raise Leaders and Team Build in Your Car Washes, 09: How to Cultivate Excellent Leaders within Your Car Wash Business with Jamey Gadoury, top-tips-growing-women-leaders-in-car-wash, 08: Empowering Women in Your Car Wash Business with Brenda Johnstone. So go check it out. A stakeholder is any person, group of people or organisation with a possible interest or stake in something. Im going to come up with a different phrase How long do you think that person is going to last? And theres employees who are interested in growing having good fun place to work, growing their skill sets, looking for advancement, things along those lines. JT 37:34Well, David Begin, thanks again. Because exactly what you said is true. What are your hours of operations? In this article we go through, step-by-step, all the different sections you need in your car wash business plan. Others may be affected in the short or long term by the outcomes of the project. Below are the five most common legal structures: 1) Sole proprietorship A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which the owner of the car wash business and the business are the same legal person. Marketing for self-service car wash wash in front of the terrific opening with on location publicizing and print, and promotions. Are you going to prep? But if yours is staffed by attendants, then consider your demographic and figure out how you can ensure that . They had a certain set of expectations. that people dont want to do a good job. David 11:04Yeah, I think youve got to sit down and decide how you want to run your car wash. A lot of it is more reactive management, as opposed to, you know, a system and process driven environment that allows you to be a lot more proactive. Theyre going to kind of do it the way they want to do it, and do their version of it. But then once youve got it, youve got it ready to go. I came from the restaurant side and owned a bunch of restaurants. I had good employees, but I didnt know how to motivate those employees. The podcast focuses on how to build, scale, and ultimately exit within the car wash industry. Ms Genet is an urban WASH practitioner who has started some collaborative work with an NGO to improve the towns water supply. Stakeholder mapping is a useful tool for defining the level of interest and power of each stakeholder. And its we really tried to build the content around what can we give in new investors in the industry and new to new to industry people who have not ran car washes that maybe have had some business experience or even have had no business experience? Car-wash stakeholders come clean about what to . Or would you want to go and have a beer with them type of litmus test? A family-owned company since 1926, our passion areas are in convenience retailing, fuels marketing . If community members are taken by surprise with a scheme they have not been consulted about, and have no understanding of the reasons for it, they will not develop any sense of ownership of it. Some may be influential in the organisation or community in which they operate and hold official positions. They have little power and are unable to participate fully in the community. Are you not going to be going on Sundays? David 26:41Yeah, the one thats pretty common nowadays is youve got to have really good video systems to see whats going on.